Business simulation games are a specific genre of video games that focus on simulating various aspects of running a business, such as production, marketing, and finance. These games are different from other types of games in several ways:

Focus on business management: Business simulation games focus on simulating the various aspects of running a business, whereas other types of games may focus on other subjects such as action, adventure, or puzzle-solving.

Decision-making: Business simulation games require players to make strategic decisions about various aspects of running a business, such as production, marketing, and finance. Other types of games may require players to make different types of decisions or may not require decision-making at all.

Realism: Business simulation games often strive to be as realistic as possible, simulating various aspects of the real-world business environment. Other types of games may not focus on realism and may have more fantastical or unrealistic elements.

Problem-solving: Business simulation games often require players to solve problems that arise in the virtual business environment. Other types of games may require players to solve different types of problems or may not require problem-solving at all.

Skill development: Business simulation games often focus on developing skills that are useful in the business world, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Other types of games may focus on developing different types of skills or may not focus on skill development at all.

Audience: Business simulation games are typically aimed at a more mature audience and are considered as educational and entertaining at the same time. Other types of games can have a wider audience range.

Learning Outcomes: Business simulation games are designed to help players learn about business concepts and strategies, whereas other types of games may be designed to entertain or to help players learn other subjects.

Complexity: Business simulation games can be quite complex, requiring players to manage multiple aspects of a business simultaneously. Other types of games may be less complex and require players to focus on a single aspect of gameplay.

Length of gameplay: Business simulation games can be quite lengthy, with players spending hours or even days working on a single game. Other types of games may be shorter, with players completing them in a matter of hours or minutes.

Replayability: Many business simulation games are highly replayable, with players able to start over and make different decisions to see how it affects the outcome. Other types of games may not have as much replayability, or may have a set storyline that cannot be altered.

Micro-Management: Business simulation games often require players to manage many small details and make many small decisions. Other types of games may require players to make fewer decisions, or may not require players to manage small details.

Virtual Economy: Business simulation games often include a virtual economy that players must manage. This can include setting prices, managing resources, and making investments. Other types of games may not include a virtual economy, or may have a simplified version of one.

Difficulty: Business simulation games can be quite challenging, requiring players to think critically and make difficult decisions. Other types of games may be more casual and less challenging.

Real-world applications: Business simulation games can be used to simulate real-world scenarios and challenges, which can be helpful for preparing students and employees for real-world situations in a business setting. Other types of games may not have as much real-world application and may be more focused on entertainment or fantasy.

Learning Outcomes: Business simulation games have clear learning outcomes and can be used as an educational tool to help players learn about business concepts and strategies, whereas other types of games may not have as clear learning outcomes.

Accessibility: Business simulation games can be more accessible to a wider range of players, as they often have different levels of difficulty and can be tailored to different learning styles. Other types of games may be more specialized and may not be as accessible to all players.

Feedback: Business simulation games often provide players with feedback on their decisions and performance, which can be used to improve learning outcomes and better understand the concepts being taught. Other types of games may not provide as much feedback or may not be as focused on learning outcomes.

In summary, business simulation games differ from other types of games in terms of their focus on business management, decision-making, realism, problem-solving, skill development, audience, learning outcomes, replayability, virtual economy, difficulty and real-world applications. They are designed to provide players with a realistic and challenging experience of running a business, and can be used as an effective tool for teaching business concepts and strategies, developing decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, teamwork and collaboration, time management, and communication skills.

Good examples of this are Gazillionaire, Zapitalism, and Profitania.